The dozen roses that you bought for her last year are long gone. That fancy dinner is all but forgotten by this point. Many would argue that Valentine’s Day is a commercial holiday manufactured to increase sales – and we’ll agree. Many of the traditional gifts for Valentine’s Day are either only designed to last for a short period of time, or are far too expensive. In recent years, many people have gotten smarter about their Valentine’s Day gift giving approach by creating something unique.

You can find hundreds of different suggestions online for homemade Valentine’s Day gifts that require you to assemble a variety of your sweetheart’s favorite things or pictures into a memorable keepsake. The truth is, that unless you’re a truly gifted gift maker that you’re creation is likely to end up on a list of funny pinterest fails.

That doesn’t mean that you can’t or shouldn’t be creative with your Valentine’s gift though. No, we aren’t going to suggest that you print business cards with hearts on them – she should already have your number and contact information. Odds are that if you’re planning a creative Valentine’s Day gift, that you already have some great pictures of the two of you together, right?

Have you considered canvas picture printing?

Whether it’s a nice picture of you two from your first date or your anniversary, custom canvas picture printing Printed Valentines Day Canvasmakes for an easy, long lasting Valentine’s Day gift. We offer a variety of sizes, from 1ft x 1ft to 3ft x 3ft, and can even help add a little extra to the print as well. Our designers will work with you to add a meaningful saying, special phrase or important date to the picture if desired.

The mounted canvas is easy to hang with just a few nails in almost any type of wall, so the Valentine’s Day gift can be enjoyed year round. It shows thoughtfulness, planning and perhaps best of all – is an affordable project that we can have delivered to you in just four to six business days.

Going the Extra Mile

If you’re looking for something a bit more playful, you can create custom trading cards for Valentine’s Day this year. This idea is certainly unique, but we’ve seen plenty of customers come up with creative ways to customize trading cards for gifts on Valentine’s Day – and we’re sure you could too! Feel free to contact us with any ideas that you may have so we can get started on a project for you right away!

Published by Nick Artounian

I am the CEO of a successful online printing company in the Greater Los Angeles area. I enjoy professional networking with clients and members of the design community.