PrintFirm's Blog

5 Free Photoshop Templates for Sticker Design |

The round sticker giveaway is in full swing, and we’ve already received a few fan photos on our Facebook page. Thanks to everyone who’s going all out in this fun giveaway! Since you guys seem stuck on this theme, we figured you could use some easy design inspiration. While it’s generally best to start designs from scratch, stickers might be an exception. The actual graphic you put on a sticker will probably be a standalone project, unless you’re just going to use your company logo. Either way, putting the artwork on a print ready template gives you a better idea of how the finished product should look. I tracked down a few PSDs to save you time when you’re working on your next promo project. Warning: you might have to format them into CMYK color mode beforehand if you actually plan on printing your creation.


Round Sticker Templates PhotoShop

Basic Glossy Red Sticker

Ladies and gentleman, here we have the basic round sticker. This simple design includes a smidgen of gloss, unlike the thousands of completely unrealistic pieces floating around. Unless you plan on placing the sticker next to a radioactive device, too much gloss in your mockup may distract from the actual design.

PrintFirm Sticker Template

In case you didn’t know, we’ve got tons of free prepress templates waiting for you on our site. End shameless plug.

Sticker Variety Pack

From round to ribbon-esque this sweet package might solve your sticker woes in a single download. The set contains 4 different colors, but you can always modify the color in Photoshop by selecting the area you want to change while pressing Control + U. This PSD comes with the layers still in tact, which makes customization that much more precise.


Square Shaped Sticker Templates

Elegant Square Stickers

There’s one circle sticker thrown into the mix, but the rest of these pieces feature square shapes. We’re especially fond of the 3 with web inspired sleek round corners. These beat boring rectangular bumper stickers any day of the week.

Simple Modern Squares

These cute little squares also add discrete gloss along with an almost tangible texture. They come in a set along with similar circles and diamond shapes. In case you’re concerned about copyright issues, Premium Coding allows for commercial as well as personal use. Thanks guys!


Sticker Soundoff

Now that you’ve got the right tools at your fingertips, let’s hear your sticker design stories. Are you designing stickers for a client or creating marketing materials for your small business? Tell us why you’re stopping by in the comments below!