PrintFirm's Blog

Custom Circle Stickers: Where to Stick’em |

Ok, let’s say you’re ready to create your own round stickers. Your designer set you up with amazing artwork, you selected the perfect background color for high contrast, and everything’s configured to the appropriate print specs. Now all that’s missing is the main marketing game plan. In our experiment, we’re going to break down several advertising areas, and show you how to integrate stickers to accomplish your goals.

Stickers For Commercial Branding Campaigns

Just so we’re clear on the terminology, branding refers to identifying a company in a broad sense using the business name, associated symbols i.e. logos, and graphic designs across various media channels. Stickers are ideal for this purpose because you’re basically after impressions instead of instant conversions. If this sounds like a strange goal for a brick and mortar business, remember that impressions will eventually lead to sales (pun heavily intended). Since your goal is to generate awareness, here are some unusual places to put your stickers to quickly increase brand recognition :

Sticker Campaigns for Personal Branding

Personal branding is a bit different because individuals rarely pass out gift cards good for a $200 photo shoot or private solo concert. Entrepreneurs usually don’t have a lot of boxes to ship or storefront windows to utilize for promotional purposes. Nevertheless, personal brands have plenty of options that play up the networking potential in everyday objects through stickers.