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FAQs About Frosted Plastic Business Cards |

Since we’re on the subject of business card design, we are getting lots of questions from our customers regarding our frosted business card product. We appreciate your inquiries, and wanted to respond in way that will reach everyone at once. If you don’t see your question on this list, feel free to let us know in the comments at the bottom of this page. Otherwise, our customer service department will be happy to assist you by phone or via email.

Frosted Business Card Design Questions


Q: Can You Print With White Ink?

A: No, we cannot use white ink on frosted plastic cards. Images, including logos, and text in white will print the same color as the background, which is a semi-transparent iced plastic. Please keep this in mind when you are planning your print project.

Q: How Do I Design My Artwork For Clear and Frosted Plastic?

A: You don’t need to completely change your design for a clear or frosted plastic card, unless you want to create a totally different look especially for your new networking tools. We recommend using darker colors, so those with lighter logos may want to use an alternative style card.

The most important aspect of your artwork in this case would be anything in white. As stated above, anything in white will come out the same color as the card background, which is semi-transparent plastic. That means you will be able to see through the white portion if you hold the card up to the light or hold it in your hand. This makes it difficult to read text or see images that contain white portions or accents. If you have a lot of white in your design, there are several ways to improve its visibility. First, you may want to pick a complementary color instead of using plain white. Black tends to stand out the most, but any darker shade will do. Another option would be to add a black stroke or a darker outer glow to make white text pop while still retaining its translucence.

Q: How Frosted is the Plastic?

A: There is no exact answer to this question, but it’s probably a good idea to think of the cards as slightly or lightly frosted plastic. This means that they are not absolutely clear, although they are semi-transparent.

Q: Is the Plastic as Thick as a Credit Card?

A: Not quite. While the cards are fairly thick, they are thinner than a typical credit card. Credit cards are roughly 30pt. in thickness whereas the business cards are 20pt. That means the business cards are more flexible, but they don’t have the raised lettering that often appears on credit cards. Instead, all of the graphics and lettering appear flat on the card’s surface. For size comparisons, the business cards are a bit wider than a standard credit card, and a little smaller in terms of height.

Q: What Kind of Material Do You Use?

A: The cards are printed on thick 20pt frosted plastic. They are more durable than a regular paper card, yet still lightweight.