PrintFirm's Blog

How to Increase Organic Traffic without SEO

There are very few businesses that can thrive without a web present in this day and age. Companies of every size have their own dedicated website, social profiles, email lists – and many are focused on growing their business through leads online driven by SEO.

Search Engine Optimization for your company website can cover a whole host of different strategies and tactics online, with the goal of increasing organic website traffic quantity and quality. But that’s not your only option. We’ve figured out how to increase organic traffic without SEO.

Ok, not just us. Many marketers and business owners have figured out how to increase organic traffic without SEO – some without even knowing it! Companies have been using direct mail to boost sales online for years, but that’s not the only option available.

Make them Search for Your Brand

Businesses with storefronts often underutilize their most valuable real estate – the front of their store! Your company sign might generate some interest when you first open, but after a while regular local traffic will become somewhat blind to your business name & logo. Bring them back in by printing a custom vinyl banner to advertise upcoming sales, new promotions & offers, etc.

Of course not everyone who reads your banner is going to immediately grab their iphone and search for the name of your company – but some will. This approach is simple, and can re-engage your local customer base by encouraging them to search for your brand – effectively increasing organic traffic without SEO.

Many businesses don’t have a location with much visibility – or any storefront at all. Since banners won’t work to increase organic traffic without SEO for these types of companies, we suggest printing custom door hangers instead. Whether introducing your services to a neighborhood for the first time or trying to reconnect with previous customers, hangers encourage recipients to search for the brand to learn more about what they offer.

Optimizing for Conversions Everywhere

Simply increasing organic traffic without SEO isn’t the goal though. Of course you want those visitors to convert into leads & sales. Make sure to optimize your website for conversions, but don’t forget about your offline leads as well. Referrals from customers become much easier when they can share your custom business cards with friends and family. Don’t let your box run out!