PrintFirm's Blog

How to Use Social Media Psychology for Content Marketing

Over the weekend we celebrated our company manager Alex’s 30th birthday. The guest list included the PrintFirm team along with his friends and relatives. Since social media is part of my job description, people usually assume that I’m networking every time they see me on my phone. They’re usually right; I’m a self-professed Twitter addict. But when Alex asked me whether or not I posted about the party on Facebook, I shook my head no. I tweeted about the event, but it wouldn’t occur to me to share a personal event in real time on that site. I don’t even have the Facebook app installed on my phone (I tried it for a while and it sucked the life out of my battery).

His question got me thinking about social preferences and why people prefer certain sites over others. Most people belong to multiple networks, as do the majority of businesses, yet we all end up spending more time on the sites we enjoy. I’ve spent a sizeable chunk of my professional life mingling on the popular online communities and trying to figure out what makes their users tick. I believe that this aspect of our digital existence speaks volumes about our personalities.

Infographic: What Your Favorite Social Network Says About You

Maybe Infographic isn’t the right label to put on the image above because I designed it without any hard evidence. The comments about each network are supposed to be funny, but I feel there’s a degree of truth to the humor. I’ll go through each section of the table in more detail below: