What We’re Thankful For at PrintFirm.com


I joined PrintFirm in February of this year, although it seems as though I’ve been working here for much longer. I’ve learned a lot in these 9 months, and met many amazing people along the way. In honor of Thanksgiving, I thought it would be fun to find out what each of our staff members are thankful for this year. Here are everyone’s answers:

Nellie (Secretary)- “I’m thankful for my family’s health. My husband had surgery this summer, and he’s no longer in pain every day. I’m happy to see him back to old self.”

Ana (Customer Service)- “I’m thankful for 3 things. My mother, my family, and the PrintFirm team. There are a lot of things I’m thankful for, but those are the main ones. I’m very grateful to have the mother I have. She is the strongest person I know. My true love; she’s always there for me. She’s my hero—my mom is a solider. I hope to God I’m as strong as she is. I’m blessed to have the privilege to wake up every day and go to work! To work with people I enjoy being around no matter how tough the day gets. I’m blessed regardless because I could be in a worse situation.”

Alex (Operations Manager)- “I’m thankful for my wife and my family, including my 2nd family here at PrintFirm. I am grateful for our customers—we work hard for them, and they make it worthwhile.”

Patrick (Pressman) – “I’m thankful for my beautiful daughter and because Dan’s wife is out of the hospital. I’m also grateful to be employed in this economy.”

Katherine (Marketing Director)- “I’m thankful for my PrintFirm family, especially for Jimmy, our office dog. I’m glad he’s here to make us smile every day—now he has a forever home.”

Eddie (Deliveryman)- “I’m thankful that my kids are healthy. I have 4 of them, and I’m blessed because they are all ok.”

Dan (Shipping Clerk)-“I’m thankful that my wife came home from the hospital! She’s been sick for a while, but she’ll be home in time to spend the holiday with the rest of the family!”

Nick (CEO)- “I am thankful for family and good friends.”

Rita (Prepress/ Designer)- “I’m thankful to have my health.”

Jimmy (Office Dog) – “I’m thankful for my new family who rescued me, and that I never have to go back to the animal shelter!” (Jimmy’s answer translated by Katherine and Ana)

What Are You Thankful for?

On behalf of our team, I’d like to say that we’re all thankful for YOU, our clients, readers, and social media community members! We would not be here without you guys.

Now that we’ve said our piece, we want to know what you’re celebrating today. Tell us in the comments below!

Published by Katherine Tattersfield

Katherine is a professional copywriter and social media manager at PrintFirm.com. She fell into online marketing in 2010, and built her career around this dynamic field. She earned her B.A. in Political Science from California State University, Northridge (Summa). When she's not writing, Katherine enjoys photography, skateboarding, graphic design, and chasing her dog around with her husband. Connect with her on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google Plus.