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Don’t Get Caught Without Your Social Business Card |

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Do you have a “social”business card? This happened to me…once. It was a lesson learned and an opportunity to leverage networking.

Picture it—-you’re at a networking event. So many great people, potential partners, clients, and mentors are in your presence. What a tremendous opportunity to connect with people who can help your business grow and expand.

At the end of an enlightening conversation, a potential partnership connection asks, “What’s your Twitter handle?” You have a business card with the pertinent information: name, credentials, your title, address, phone number, email address maybe. But, your Twitter handle is not included—just never thought it was important. So, you proceed to write it on the back of your business card. How professional! (Not!)

If this hasn’t happened to you yet, it will. This (because you’re reading right now) is an opportunity to be proactive, before the situation arises (in my case–lesson learned.). Have your Twitter handle printed directly onto the front or back of your business card. Turn opportunities and connections made offline, into the building of ongoing relationships online.

In this blog post, I’m focusing on Twitter as the first choice, only because the amount of text space needed is far less than other network vanity links. For example, a Twitter icon with with your Twitter handle is much easier to fit on a card than a very long Facebook vanity URL. Plus, many don’t even understand how to key in your vanity name, or search for you on Facebook. I’ve become frustrated before with trying to ‘find” a business within Facebook search. Some people may not put as much effort into connecting with you as do my fellow social media fanatics. You’re safer expecting the person receiving your card to know how to locate a Twitter account. However, If you have enough space on your business card, include more than one social media profile; but don’t overdo it.

Not sure how to design a “social” business card? Start by perusing the Internet for examples of how other businesses have applied their social media presence on business cards. The options for how to layout a social business card are only limited by your imagination. Consider your brand image, company mission, and vision when coming up with a draft. Then, review designs others have created like those presented by Then, tweak your draft to come up with a final design.

Additionally, keep these tips in mind when creating your “social” business card:
• Don’t use too many icons or social media links. You don’t want the card to look “busy” and overwhelm the person reading it. Stick with 3 or less.
• Make sure to include prominent social icons on your website. This way people who visit the site will know how to find you on social media outlets.
• You can minimize business card content by making your web address prominent. People will know to go to you website for more information. This allows for more room to make the business card “social” with several icons.

Your printing company probably even offers templates that already include designs for a”social” business card, to help you get started. If not, use a general template and Simply add your icons or social media urls to the design you choose. However you get it done, one thing is for sure; the next time you are asked, “What’s your Twitter handle?”—don’t get caught without it.

About the Author

Elana Winfrey is the Creator & Results Strategist at SilverBridge Social Media. SilverBridge Social Media provides social media marketing education and consultation to soloprenuers, small, and and mid-sized businesses.