Sweetheart Canvas Print Giveaway Winner!

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! In case you’re wondering, yes, we have a winner in the custom canvas giveaway. Congratulations Matthew Shuey!


Matthew is a talented web designer/inbound marketer from our Google Plus page, and he certainly deserves to win this prize for his wife. Matthew already shared the photo he wants to print for his sweetheart—I know she’s going to be thrilled.

I’m happy to say that most of you who entered this giveaway are already a part of the community. It’s great to meet new people, but I’d rather give a prize to one of you CMYK loyalists. This time around, I decided not to promote the contest on giveaway sites because that decreases your chances of winning. I think we’ll stick with this strategy from now on.

#PrintLove Anniversary Announcement

Speaking of love and community, February 14th happens to be my 1 year anniversary of working here at PrintFirm. As many of you know, I come from a digital marketing background. When I first joined the team, I thought of my position as just another ecommerce job. Little did I realize, I didn’t get another online marketing job—I found a virtual family.

I love all my colleagues, but they couldn’t really help me navigate the social sphere. When I got here, the company didn’t have any presence to speak of on Facebook, Twitter, etc. So I reconnected with a few cool people I knew from previous SMM positions, and hoped for the best.

Shortly thereafter I stumbled on #PrintChat. Through PMC, I met many awesome people I consider friends. The printing and design community embraced me with open arms, as did several special customers. So today is a milestone for me personally that wouldn’t exist without YOUR support.

I couldn’t think of a better way to represent my gratitude than with this graphic:


I tried to fit all of you beautiful people and brands into this image; if you don’t see yourself pictured, you have my apologies. Thank you everyone for making this an amazing year!

Published by Katherine Tattersfield

Katherine is a professional copywriter and social media manager at PrintFirm.com. She fell into online marketing in 2010, and built her career around this dynamic field. She earned her B.A. in Political Science from California State University, Northridge (Summa). When she's not writing, Katherine enjoys photography, skateboarding, graphic design, and chasing her dog around with her husband. Connect with her on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google Plus.