National Best Friend Day is upon us yet again. You’re likely to see #hashtags or even receive a mention or two from your real life best friend to celebrate the “holiday,” but you shouldn’t forget about your business buds either. #NationalBestFriendDay is also a great opportunity to reach out to your best friend in business to show your appreciation for their support.
So, who is your best friend in business? This answer varies. For some companies, their answer may be “our investors,” while others may have partnerships that they really value. For us, it’s our customers.
Some of our customers have been using PrintFirm as their commercial printer for as long as we’ve been around – starting in 1996! We like to work closely with our customers to learn about their business, and how we can truly provide them with the best product for their needs. In turn, they have referred our services to other business partners, helping to make PrintFirm the success it is today.
Showing Your Appreciation
Regardless of who your best friend in business is, it’s important that you take time to show appreciation on days like #NationalBestFriendDay. In B2B relationships, sending custom printed greeting cards via snail mail is a great way to show partners that you appreciate their business friendship.
Companies who want to highlight their B2C relationship with customers often use social media inspired holidays like #NationalBestFriendDay to offer discounts or sales on products or services. It’s a great way to bring the friendship even closer together!
Showing Our Appreciation
After all that, of course we are going to offer you a token of our friendship on #NationalBestFriendDay! Our 48 hour sale will start at 12:01AM on Thursday, June 8th with ALL products on sale – 15% off! Use promo code BFF17.