National Small Business Week 2013 | Small Biz Marketing |

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Great news for brick and mortar business owners—it’s National Small Business Week! This event is sponsored by the U.S. Small Business Administration, a government agency dedicated to helping independent businesses thrive. The SBA offers financial assistance as well as tons of valuable resources on important topics ranging from taxes to labor laws and healthcare costs. The 2013 Small Business Week schedule features discussion panels in 5 major cities where you can get free expert advice on the things that matter most to your company. The live stream panels will cover certifications, patent laws, crowdsourcing, and social media marketing. Additionally, there will be several Google Plus hangouts for you to attend with appearances by well-known small biz advocates, such as Kristy Campbell of The organization also takes this time to recognize outstanding entrepreneurs in all 50 states with special awards. Don’t miss the final week wrap-up in Washington D.C. on Friday, June 21st (otherwise known as Go Skateboarding Day).

But don’t think that this will be a one way conversation; President Obama’s address on Small Biz Week notes that this event is really a two-way conversation about evaluating the SBA’s efforts in your community. You can use this as an opportunity to share your experiences online and with your local SBA chapter. If you’re not already involved in your hometown branch, now’s the time to get active because your feedback will make a difference in the SBA’s plan for the coming year.

PrintFirm’s Small Business Week Celebration Sale

We are proud to say that many of our clients are small business owners and independent service providers i.e. freelance graphic designers. We know you’re working very hard to keep your business running during the recession recovery, so we decided to run a week long sale on several items you guys need the most. Check your email account for the exclusive coupons!

Small Biz Direct Mail Program

In case you missed our Father’s Day press release, we put together a presentation that shows you how to launch a successful direct mail ad campaign. Our playbook focuses on a specific holiday, but you can use these tips for any season. We highly recommend mailers as lead generation tools for restaurants, real estate agents, heating and air conditioning repair services, and anyone else who wants to reach out to a certain geographic area. Check out the presentation below, and let us know how we can help you increase your summer sales through the power of print.

Published by Katherine Tattersfield

Katherine is a professional copywriter and social media manager at She fell into online marketing in 2010, and built her career around this dynamic field. She earned her B.A. in Political Science from California State University, Northridge (Summa). When she's not writing, Katherine enjoys photography, skateboarding, graphic design, and chasing her dog around with her husband. Connect with her on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google Plus.