No Printer Is An Island : Social Networking in the Printing Industry |

Today I wanted to share a big milestone for us as a company, and for me as a writer. It all started with a little website called LinkedIn.

I’ve been hounding our CEO about getting involved on LinkedIn since I started here, and to his credit he’s made a solid effort to use the site on the regular. I’m not exactly sure how it happened, but somehow he connected with Xerox eMarketing Manager Bill Michael on LinkedIn. He mentioned Bill to me, and wanted us to touch base because we’re both involved in online marketing. Fast forward a few months; Bill and I are now contributing to each others blogs all thanks to, you guessed it, SOCIAL MEDIA!

If you’re a business owner or a marketer, you may be asking yourself how you can build these types of online partnerships. The answer is pretty simple, but you have to open yourself up for these opportunities. As my friend Rob said, business doesn’t occur on an island. In other words, you have to take the initiative and toss some bait into the water. I covered this topic in my guest post on Bill’s Digital Printing Blog, so I’m not going to repeat myself. Get the full list story hot off the digital presses below:

6 Reasons To Engage with Other Print Providers Online

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Published by Katherine Tattersfield

Katherine is a professional copywriter and social media manager at She fell into online marketing in 2010, and built her career around this dynamic field. She earned her B.A. in Political Science from California State University, Northridge (Summa). When she's not writing, Katherine enjoys photography, skateboarding, graphic design, and chasing her dog around with her husband. Connect with her on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google Plus.