You know that you have to have a 4th of July Sale for your small business. People expect discounts around national holidays, but it can be tough to stand out amongst all the competition. You aren’t the only small business having a sale this 4th of July, so how can you actually use the holiday to boost sales & revenue?
Better 4th of July sales advertising. Just because you are offering a discount on your services or goods doesn’t mean that people will come and take advantage of lower prices. When advertising your 4th of July sale, you should have two primary goals in mind for your customers.
If they are existing customers, your goal should be to get them to come back – and buy more! Repeat customers are often your most valuable resource because they’re already familiar with your business, are easier to sell to – and a potential referral source.
The second goal you should have is to use your 4th of July sale to acquire new customers with your low prices. This doesn’t just mean that you have to make a sale during the first week of July – but effective sales advertising will introduce your business to people & generate interest that doesn’t produce an return until your Labor Day Sale!
Everybody Loves Fireworks
It’s true! Everybody loves fireworks! Stats show that 63% of people attend firework displays – what a way to kick off your sale! Plan on taking your company van & some staff out to the local events this year to advertise your sale! Create a custom vinyl banner that is the same length as your van that you can hang on the outside of your vehicle when you park. This is a great way to get your company name & logo out there to firework attendees on their way into the event.
Once inside, have your staff hand out 4th of July themed custom printed stickers with your business name to people waiting to watch the fireworks. Parents who recognize your business name on the sticker are likely to strike up conversation, where your staff can give them the sale information printed on a trading card or sales flyer. Just make sure not to interrupt the fireworks show!
Consistency is King
If your small business plans on having a 4th of July sale this year – you should plan on having a 4th of July sale next year too. And the year after that. Your most loyal customers will anticipate the discounts and come back year after year to take advantage of your sales. As this core customer base grows, so does your revenue! Keep up the annual 4th of July sale and you will reap the benefits for years to come.